First of all a big thank you for this excellent system. The versatility of it amazes me.
I am hoping that you can help me on a small problem i am currently having.
Basically I have a set of multis on one spawner and a set of mobiles set as teams on another.
I am trying to get the multi spawner to respawn each time the team spawner respawns.
or alternatively,
Set the teamspawner to make mobiles the priority, that way I can add the multis to each team, set the overall to one less than total, an the multi's will be the last allocated.
Hope I am making sense. Here is a screenshot of the mulispawner props.
So you have a bunch of creatures that you want to spawn on your team spawner, and when all of those creatures are killed and the creatures are respawned, you want the multi spawner to be forced to respawn at the same time?
There are many ways to do this but here is an easy way.
subgroup 1: orc
subgroup 1: troll
subgroup 1: SET,MultiSpawner,xmlspawner/dorespawn/true
so just add all of your creatures into your team spawner, assign them to a subgroup (subgroup 1 for example), and then also add the entry to force a respawn on the xmlspawner named "MultiSpawner".
By putting everything into one subgroup, they will all be spawned together as a group.
The MaxCount on the spawner should be set to the number of entries, so if you have 5 creatures, you will want MaxCount to be 6 (the extra one is for the SET entry).
You can set up your MultiSpawner any way that you like.
You could also set up the MultiSpawner to be externally triggered by setting the ProximityRange to -2, and having your TeamSpawner set up like
subgroup 1: orc
subgroup 1: troll
subgroup 1: SET,MultiSpawner,xmlspawner/proximityactivated/true
If you do it like that, you dont need to set the ExternalTriggering property or the TriggerObject property on your MultiSpawner since it wont actually be checking for anything, it will just be forced to trigger by your TeamSpawner. The ProximityRange setting of -2 tells the spawner that it can only be triggered by having the ProximityActivated property manually set to true.
A slightly more efficient version would have you explicitly assign the SetItem property on your TeamSpawner to point to your MultiSpawner and then you dont have to look it up by name with your SET keyword, and so it can look like
subgroup 1: orc
subgroup 1: troll
subgroup 1: SET/proximityactivated/true
This variant is different from the forced respawn using "/dorespawn/true" since it just triggers the MultiSpawner and allows it to spawn, but doesnt force it to respawn (i.e. it doesnt do a despawn first).
There are lots of other ways to do this, it just depends on exactly how you want it to behave.
*falls at his feet* You are truly a God!!!
Thank you very much. It works a charm.
The Boss will be pleased.